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Spleen Stiffness in Patients With Cirrhosis in Predicting Esophageal Varices
Hepatitis C virus treatment and survival in patients with hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection and...
Significance of hepatitis B virus core-related antigen and covalently closed circular DNA levels as markers of hepatitis B...
Drug-induced Liver Injury Caused by Intravenously Administered Medications: The Drug-induced Liver Injury Network Experience
Association of vitamin D serum levels and its common genetic determinants, with severity of liver fibrosis in genotype 1...


Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Boy with Progressive familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis Type II: Challenging Identification:...
Prophylaxis in HBV-infected liver transplant patients: end of the HBIG era?
Celiac Disease–Associated Autoimmune Hepatitis in Childhood: Long-Term Response to Treatment
B-Cell Depletion With Rituximab in Patients With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Refractory to Ursodeoxycholic Acid
Sustained Hepatitis C Virus Clearance and Increased Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seroclearance in Patients With Dual Chronic...
Association of Tattooing and Hepatitis C Virus Infection:
Congenital Portosystemic Shunt: Characterization of a Multisystem Disease
Oral Nucleoside / Nucleotide Analogs Without Hepatitis B Immune Globulin After Liver Transplantation for Hepatitis B
Healthy Range of Serum Alanine Aminotransferase and Its Predictive Power for Cardiovascular Risk in Children and...
Cholestasis in a Patient With Gallstones and a Normal Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase
Plasma Interferon-gamma-Inducible Protein-10 (IP-10) Levels During Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection


New Therapeutic Targets and Drugs for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B
Immunosuppression and HBV Reactivation
Management of Acute Liver Failure in Infants and Children


Levels of Serum Ceruloplasmin Associate With Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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