Journal Updates


Durable Clinical and Immunologic Advantage of Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Children
International practices in the dietary management of fructose 1-6 biphosphatase deficiency.
Successful sequential liver and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a child with CD40 ligand deficiency and...
Investigation of Clinical and Pathological Relationships between Adult- and Pediatric-type NASH in Korean Children
Durable Clinical and Immunologic Advantage of Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Children
Transient elastography for non-invasive evaluation of post-transplant liver graft fibrosis in children
Waiting list mortality of young patients with biliary atresia: Competing risk analysis of an Eurotransplant registry-based...
Reduced Growth Hormone Secretion is Associated with Nonalcoholic Fatty LiverDisease in Obese Children


A Drug Regimen for Progressive Familial Cholestasis Type 2
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Neonatal Hemochromatosis
Bone Mineral Density of Very Long-term Survivors After Childhood Liver Transplantation.
Balloon dilatation for treatment of hepatic venous outflow obstruction following pediatric livertransplantation
New Onset Autoimmune Hepatitis during Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Treatment in Children.
Hepatitis A, B, C and HIV seroprevalence among Syrian refugee children admitted to outpatient clinics.
Non-invasive Markers of Portal Hypertension: Appraisal of Adult Experience and Potential Utilisation in Children.
Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Children. A Position Paper
Circulating levels of miR-122 and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in pre-pubertal obese children.


Self-Management Measurement and Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Transplant
Quality of Life in Adolescents with Hepatitis C Treated with Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin.
Long-term outcomes of six patients after partial internal biliary diversion for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis

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