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Low Hepatic Tissue Copper in Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


Analysis of Immunogenetic Factors in Idiosyncratic Drug-induced Liver Injury in the Pediatric Population
Presenting Features and Prognosis of Ischemic and Nonischemic Neonatal Liver Failure.
Favorable Outcomes of Preterm Infants With Parenteral Nutrition-associated Liver Disease Treated With Intravenous Fish Oil-...
Magnetic Resonance Elastography Measured Shear Stiffness as a Biomarker of Fibrosis in Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver...
Intensive Care Management of Pediatric Acute Liver Failure.
Analysis of surgical interruption of the enterohepatic circulation as a treatment for pediatric cholestasis.
Noncirrhotic Portal Fibrosis in Pediatric Population
Noninvasive assessment of liver steatosis in children: the clinical value of controlled attenuation parameter


King's Variceal Prediction Score: A Novel Noninvasive Marker of Portal Hypertension in Pediatric Chronic Liver Disease
Survey on Clinical Practice of Primary Prophylaxis in Portal Hypertension in Children
Family Impact and Infant Emotional Outcomes Following Diagnosis of Serious Liver Disease or Transplantation in Infancy
Correlation of Transient Elastography With Severity of Cystic Fibrosis-related Liver Disease
Hepatic Issues and Complications Associated With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Clinical Report
Hepatic Inflammation May Influence Liver Stiffness Measurements by Transient Elastography in Children and Young Adults.


Outpatient Liver Biopsy in Children: Safety, Feasibility and Economic Impact.
Outcomes in Pediatric Autoimmune Hepatitis and Significance of Azathioprine Metabolites.
Management of Hepatoblastoma: ICMR Consensus Document
Management of Pediatric Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease By Academic Hepatologists in Canada: A Nationwide Survey.
Normograms for the Extrahepatic Bile Duct Diameter in Children.

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