Portal hypertension
Arch Argent Pediatr. 2022 Feb;120(1):S9-S18.
doi: 10.5546/aap.2022.S9. Epub 2021 Dec 21.
[Guidelines for diagnosis and follow-up of children and adolescents with portal hypertension]
[Article in Spanish]
Comité Nacional de Hepatología; Comité Nacional de Gastroenterología; Colaboradores
Collaborators, Affiliations expand
in English, Spanish
Portal hypertension is a complex syndrome caused by increased resistance to the splachnic venous flow at the portal vein level, with a hyperdynamic systemic circulation characterized by peripheral vasodilation and high cardiac output. Portal flow can be obstructed at prehepatic (¨normal liver¨), intrahepatic (as in cirrhosis), or post-hepatic level (as in Budd-Chiari syndrome). In pediatric patients, prehepatic and intrahepatic causes are almost equally distributed (nearly 50% each). Clinical presentation and individual impact are heterogeneous, but in each case, it is the expression of a worsening condition and the need to solve the problem, either by treating its consequences or (ideally) its causes.