Acute Hepatitis and prolonged fever – How far do we go?
Ascites and Hypoxia
HBsAg positive - what next?
Hepatomegaly and seizures
Hepatomegaly, diarrhea and failure to thrive - lesson of a life time
Incidentally picked up SOL in the liver
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia at birth - Is it all physiological?
Infantile diarrhea and splenomegaly - the missing link?
Liver failure in a neonate
Neonatal cholestasis: What next?
Not to miss this PUO!!
One year old with persistent coagulopathy
Recurrent jaundice in the family
Recurrent Vomiting…
Renal Stones - Is the liver the culprit?
Rickets and liver disease
Splenohepatomegaly- How do we approach?
Thalassemia Major with Hepatitis C – A double whammy...