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. Cirrhosis

Deltenre P, Trépo E, Rudler M, Monescillo A, Fraga M, Denys A, Doerig C, Fournier N, Moreno C, Moradpour D, Bureau C, Thabut D.
Early Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Sep;27(9):e1-9.


There is conflicting evidence on the benefit of early transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) on the survival of patients with acute variceal bleeding (AVB).

To assess the effect of early TIPSS on patient prognosis.
We carried out a meta-analysis of trials evaluating early TIPSS in cirrhotic patients with AVB.

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What is an 'Liver Function Test?

These are a group of blood tests which reflect the function of the liver. Abnormalities in these tests are helpful in determining the type and extent of damage to the liver if any.


What constitutes an LFT?

The following tests constitute an LFT:

  • serum bilirubin-total, direct, indirect

  • serum enzymes- ALT(earlier called as- SGPT), AST (earlier called as- SGOT)

  • serum GGT

  • serum Alkaline phosphatase

  • serum albumin

  • Prothrombin time / international normalization ratio (PT/INR)




Aquarius M, Smeets FG, Konijn HW, Stassen PM, Keulen ET, Van Deursen CT, Masclee AA, Keulemans YC. Prospective multicenter validation of the Glasgow Blatchford bleeding score in the management of patients with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage presenting at an emergency department. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Sep;27(9):1011-6.


The Glasgow Blatchford Bleeding Score (GBS) has been developed to assess the need for treatment in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (UGIH) presenting at emergency departments (EDs). We aimed (a) to determine the validity of the GBS and Rockall scoring systems for prediction of need for treatment and (b) to identify the optimal cut-off value of the GBS.

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What is NAFLD?

NAFLD i.e. non alcoholic fatty liver disease is a medical condition, in which the fat content of the liver is increased. This causes damage to liver cells and their death. Further, the function of liver is disturbed, and it becomes increasingly stiff or fibrosed (cirrhosis)

Usually, such a degeneration of liver is seen in chronic alcoholics. However, NAFLD constitutes a group of patients who do not consume a significant amount of alcohol, and still exhibit similar changes in liver. Hence the name, non alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Cirrhosis, EHPVO

Colecchia A, Marasco G, Taddia M, Montrone L, Eusebi LH, Mandolesi D, Schiumerini R, Di Biase AR, Festi D. Liver and spleen stiffness and other noninvasive methods to assess portal hypertension in cirrhotic patients: a review of the literature. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Sep; 27(9):992-1001.


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Children’s liver foundation had organised ‘living with Wilson’s’ , an interactive support group meeting for patients with Wilson disease on 29th August 2015.
All the patients and visitors were greeted by Mrs Sanjeevani Patwardhan, herself a patient of Wilson’s disease. She tied hand made rakhis (wrist bands) to all and gave them sweets made of Moong dal (a pulse low in copper content)


Castillo NE, Vanga RR, Theethira TG, Rubio-Tapia A, Murray JA, Villafuerte J, Bonder A, Mukherjee R, Hansen J, Dennis M, Kelly CP, Leffler DA. Prevalence of Abnormal Liver Function Tests in Celiac Disease and the Effect of a Gluten-Free Diet in the US Population. Am J Gastroenterol. 2015 Aug; 110(8):1216-22.

Guidelines recommend routine screening of liver function tests (LFTs) in patients diagnosed with celiac disease (CD). However, little is known about the prevalence of liver disorders in CD outside of Europe. Our aims were to estimate the prevalence of LFT abnormalities in CD and to evaluate the effect of a gluten-free diet (GFD) on LFTs.


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Ecochard-Dugelay E, Lambert V, Schleich JM, Duché M, Jacquemin E, Bernard O. Portopulmonary Hypertension in Liver Disease Presenting in Childhood. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2015 Sep; 61(3):346-54.


Portopulmonary hypertension (POPH) is a known complication of cirrhosis in adults, but there is little information on its incidence and outcome in children with liver disease. We report 14 patients with POPH and present a synthesis of the medical literature.


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