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What is autoimmune hepatitis?

‘Autoimmune’ is made of two words- ‘auto’ +’immune’- implying altered immunity to cells of one’s own body. Immune system normally recognises ‘self ‘and ‘non-self’ cells. It kills only the ‘non-self’ cells. When there is an alteration in the immune system, it loses this ability to differentiate ‘self’ from ‘non self’; and kills ‘self’ cells.

When such attack of the immune system involves cells of liver, it causes Autoimmune Hepatitis. It may occur as only hepatitis or may occur as a part of other autoimmune diseases.


Am J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jul;108(7):1101-7.
Sharma P, Kirnake V, Tyagi P, Bansal N, Singla V, Kumar A, Arora A.

OBJECTIVES: Screening for esophageal varices (EV) is recommended in patients with cirrhosis. Noninvasive tests had shown varying sensitivity (Se) and specifi city (Sp) for predicting EV. Splenomegaly is a common fi nding in liver cirrhosis because of portal and splenic congestion. These changes can be quantifi ed by transient elastography; hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the utility of spleen
stiffness (SS) in evaluating EV in comparison with other noninvasive tests.

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