Event Videos

What is organ donation?

Organ donation is a gracious act which provides an opportunity to save many lives after our death. The donated organs are transplanted into patients who are suffering form end stage organ failure. It gives a chance for second life in such patients.

What is brain death?

Objectives: (i) To construct hour-specific serum total bilirubin (STB) nomogram in neonates born at ≥35 weeks of gestation; (ii)To evaluate efficacy of pre-discharge bilirubin measurement in predicting hyperbilirubinemia needing treatment.

Design: Diagnostic test performance in a prospective cohort study.

Setting: Teaching hospital in Northern India.

Subjects: Healthy neonates with gestation ³35 weeks or birth weight ³2000 g.

Intervention: Serum total bilirubin was measured in all enrolled neonates at 24±6, 72-96 and 96-144 h of postnatal age and when indicated clinically. Neonates were followed up during hospital stay and after discharge till completion of 7th postnatal day.

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Wilson Disease - Caring, Supporting, Treating (An event for caregivers and patients) was organized by Children's Liver Foundation (CLF) in Mumbai on the 23rd of December, 2012.This also commemorated the 100th anniversary of the first description of the disease by Samuel A. K. Wilson, a British neurologist in 1912.

This event was the first activity of CLF for patients, organized on a large scale, since its inception two years back.

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Wendy H. Oddy , BAppSci, MPH, PhD 1 , Carly E. Herbison , BSc (Hons) 1 , Peter Jacoby , BA, MSc 1 , Gina L. Ambrosini , BAppSci, MPH, PhD 2 , Therese A. O ’ Sullivan , BHlthSci, BAppSci, PhD 1 , 3 , Oyekoya T. Ayonrinde , MBBS, FRACP 4 – 6 , John K. Olynyk , MBBS, FRACP, MD 4 – 7 , Lucinda J. Black , BSc, PhD 1 , Lawrence J. Beilin , MBBS, FRCP, FRACP, FCSANZ, MD 4 , Trevor A. Mori , BSc (Hons), MRACI CChem,

PhD (Distinction) 4 , Beth P. Hands , BEd, BSocWk, MEd, PhD 8 and Leon A. Adams , MBBS, FRACP, PhD 4

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Hitoshi Maruyama , MD, PhD 1 , Hidehiro Okugawa , MD, PhD 1 , Masanori Takahashi , MD, PhD 1 and Osamu Yokosuka , MD, PhD 1

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to investigate predictive factors and long-term outcomes of de novo portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in cirrhosis.

METHODS: The incidence and factors predictive of PVT (diagnosed by Doppler ultrasound) and prognosis were examined in 150 patients with virus-related cirrhosis but without PVT at baseline.

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J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013 Mar;56(3):328-32. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e31827a964b.

Breast milk jaundice: effect of bacteria present in breast milk and infant feces.

Tuzun F, Kumral A, Duman N, Ozkan H.


Department of Pediatrics, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey.


OBJECTIVE: Breast milk is an important source of bacteria in establishing the infantile intestinal microbiota that appear to influence the enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of breast milk's microbiological content on the development of breast milk jaundice (BMJ).

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J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013 Mar;56(3):320-7. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3182779a60.

Methodological Approaches for Dietary Intake Assessment in Formula-fed Infants.

Luque V, Escribano J, Mendez-Riera G, Schiess S, Koletzko B, Verduci E, Stolarczyk A, Martin F, Closa-Monasterolo R.


*Universitat Rovira i Virgili, IISPV, Reus, Spain †Hauner Children's Hospital, University of Munich Medical Centre, Munich, Germany ‡Department of Pediatrics, University of Milan, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy §Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland ||CHC St Vincent Liège, Belgium.

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CLF Intro movie

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