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Oh SH, Kim KM, Kim DY, Kim Y, Song SM, Lee YJ, Park SJ, Yoon CH, Ko GY, Sung
KB, Hwang GS, Choi KT, Yu E, Song GW, Ha TY, Moon DB, Ahn CS, Kim KH, Hwang S,
Park KM, Lee YJ, Lee SG. Improved outcomes in liver transplantation in children
with acute liver failure. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014 Jan; 58(1): 68-73.



The aim of our study was to review the experiences of a living donor-dominant transplantation program for children with acute liver failure (ALF).


Data were derived from the retrospective chart review of 50 children with ALF in a major liver center in the Republic of Korea.


Published on: 


Devarbhavi H, Singh R, Adarsh CK, Sheth K, Kiran R, Patil M. Factors that predict mortality in children with Wilson disease associated acute liver failure and comparison of Wilson disease specific prognostic indices. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Feb; 29(2): 380-6.



Wilson disease (WD) associated acute liver failure (ALF) affects children more than adults. The predictors of mortality and outcome in patients without encephalopathy are not clear. We investigated the ability of prognostic factors and various models including model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) to predict mortality among children with WD and ALF.


Published on: 


Lisotti A, Azzaroli F, Buonfiglioli F, Montagnani M, Cecinato P, Turco L, Calvanese C, Simoni P, Guardigli M, Arena R, Cucchetti A, Colecchia A, Festi D, Golfieri R, Mazzella G. Indocyanine green retention test as a noninvasive marker of portal hypertension and esophageal varices in compensated liver cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2014 Feb; 59(2): 643-50.


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What is liver?

Liver is one of the vital organs of our body with wide range of functions. The liver consists of highly specialized tissues that regulate a wide variety of biochemical reactions necessary for vital functions of our body.


Where is the liver located in our body?

The liver is located just beneath the right rib cage below the right diaphragm and the right lung. The lower border can be felt 2 cm below the right rib cage in infants and younger children. The liver is surrounded by right diaphragm, stomach, intestine (duodenum) and gall bladder.


Hepatitis B in Children


What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a disease caused specifically by hepatitis B virus. The virus infects the liver and may result in inflammation (swelling) of the liver cells (hepatitis). This results in liver dysfunction. The spectrum of the disease ranges widely from asymptomatic disease or mild jaundice (which subside spontaneously) to chronic infection causing liver failure, permanent liver damage (Cirrhosis) or liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).


How common is Hepatitis B?

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