Chronic liver disease Journal Updates Frailty in children with chronic liver disease: Prevalence and impact on outcomes Role of splenic hepatic elastography ratio in differentiating non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis and chronic liver disease in children and adolescents Prevalence and Associated Factors of Vertebral Fractures in Children with Chronic Liver Disease with and without Liver Transplantation Utility of Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Pediatric Patients with Chronic Liver Disease Hypocoagulability in Children With Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease and Sepsis: Assessment by Thromboelastography An Approach to Investigations of Chronic Liver Disease "Daily vitamin D supplementation improves vitamin D deficiency in patients with chronic liver disease" Liver fibrosis in children: a comprehensive review of mechanisms, diagnosis, and therapy Etiology in Children Presented With Chronic Liver Disease in a Tertiary Care Hospital Clinical spectrum of chronic liver disease with final outcome in children at a tertiary centre: A single - centre study Topic of the Month: Transient Elastography in Pediatric Liver Disease Ultrasound-guided percutaneous liver biopsy in children. Five-year experience at a tertiary care center Nutrition in Chronic Liver Disease: Consensus Statement of the Indian National Association for Study of the LiverNutrition in Chronic Liver Disease: Consensus Statement of the Indian National Association for Study of the Liver Band ligation versus sham or no intervention for primary prophylaxis of oesophageal variceal bleeding in children and adolescents with chronic liver disease or portal vein thrombosis Thrombin dynamics in children with liver disease or extrahepatic portal vein obstruction or shunt. Efficacy and Safety of Sodium Benzoate in The Management of Hyperammonemia in Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease of the Childhood-A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Growth in Infants and Children With Intestinal Failure-associated Liver Disease Treated With Intravenous Fish Oil. Effects of Epstein-Barr virus infection on liver function in children. Anthropometric, biochemical and clinical assessment of malnutrition among Egyptian children with chronic liver diseases: a single institutional cross-sectional study. Fat soluble vitamins deficiency in pediatric chronic liver disease: The impact of livertransplantation Efficacy And Safety Of Sodium Benzoate In The Management Of Hyperammonemia in Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease of the Childhood- A Double Blind Randomised Controlled Trial Band ligation versus beta-blockers for primary prophylaxis of oesophageal variceal bleeding in children with chronic liver disease or portal vein thrombosis. The Liver in Children With Metabolic Syndrome Nutrition Support of Children with Chronic Liver Diseases: A Joint Position Paper of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Nutrition in Pediatric Chronic Liver Disease. Transplant-free Survival in Chronic Liver Disease Presenting as Acute Liver Failure in Childhood The Health Care Transition of Youth With Liver Disease into the Adult Health System: Position Paper from ESPGHAN and EASL. Favorable Outcomes of Preterm Infants With Parenteral Nutrition-associated Liver Disease Treated With Intravenous Fish Oil-based Lipid Emulsion. King's Variceal Prediction Score: A Novel Noninvasive Marker of Portal Hypertension in Pediatric Chronic Liver Disease. King's variceal Prediction Score: A Novel Non-Invasive Marker of Portal Hypertension in Paediatric Chronic Liver Disease Correlation of Transient Elastography With Severity of Cystic Fibrosis Related Liver Disease Congenital Vascular Malformations of the Liver: an Association With Trisomy 21. Prevalence, Clinical Profile and Outcome of Ascitic Fluid Infection in Children With Liver Disease Health-related Quality of Life in Infants With Chronic Liver Disease